Public Remarks: Sweetwater, Beaver Dam: “Iron Mountain” is composed of huge rocks, several amazing building sites w pretty mountain views; 2 roads at the entrance are already roughed in. Pristine +-800 feet Frontage on state maintained Bethel/Georges Gap Road; about +-500 feet Frontage on Forest Grove Rd then it tucks in along side. The whole mountain has gentle topography, rough roads cut in the top homesite’s and is conducive to an Eagles View. Imagine a gate and pond at the entrance for ultimate privacy. Property would make an amazing family retreat, compound or horse property, I LOVE THE BUFFERED PRIVATE SETTING!. Build your dream log cabin enjoy the absolute peace and quiet of “Bethel Country”. Enjoy your own peace of mind access, no easements to get to your property ever, NO Owner’s Association, no condo commando’s telling you what to do, no powerlines in sight just beautiful, pristine land on your own mountain. No deed restrictions, modulars/ DW OK. The land is ‘high and dry’. Or place a few Yerts or tiny home cabins or off the grid cabins on property & start vacation rental income!
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